An advanced network manipulation method to (re)establish Peer to Peer botnet overlays within isolated Internet emulation testbeds

The main objectives defined to achieve the goal of this research are:

  1. To investigate and propose a method to (re)establish a P2P botnet overlay using real-world malware samples
  2. To collect realistic P2P botnet datasets for further investigations and analysis

Project Duration: 01/09/2021-31/08/2023

Grant No: USM Short Term Grant 304/PNAV/6313332

Project Members:

  • Dr. Shankar Karuppayah (PI)
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Selvakumar Manickam

Collaborators (TU Darmstadt):

  • Prof. Dr. Max Mühlhäuser
  • M.Sc. Leon Böck

Open Positions:

  • MSc by Research (Full Time) - Stipend Available (Sept 2021 - Aug 2023)
    • Requirements:
      • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science/Electric & Electronic Engineering, Computer Engineering/Information Technology or equivalent.
      • A minimum CGPA of 2.75/4.0 or equivalent.
      • Good understanding of the fundamentals of (computer) networking
      • [Optional] Experience in Reverse Engineering and/or OpenStack deployments are advantageous
Ts. Dr. Shankar Karuppayah
Ts. Dr. Shankar Karuppayah
Senior Lecturer

My research interests include malware analysis, botnet monitoring, distributed systems and Internet of Things.
